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it's so good to be back in seoul. i think i'm really beginning to think of it as my home away from home. i spent monday and tuesday in jeonju with my uncles, aunts, cousins, and their children and i already began to miss the crowds and the sounds of traffic.

i was so grateful to spend cheosuk with my family though. we woke up reeeally early on tuesday morning and drove to gongju, where the majority of my dad's ancestors are buried. each burial site we visited was located on a different mountain, so that led to a lot of hiking up steep slopes with food and gardening tools and a whole lot of bowing (we're talking on hands and knees here). i think, all in all, we visited my great grandfathers site, his brothers, his cousins, my grandfathers and grandmothers burial sites. each time, we would lay out an offering in front of the burial mound, say a few words, and bow twice. then, we'd do some light gardening around each area, which wouldn't have been so bad if it hadn't been about 85 degrees out and humid.

in the afternoon, we drove around and my uncle showed me the house where my dad grew up in and where he went to primary school and highschool. his house was so tiny and cute. it was an old school traditionally built korean house on little stilts, and it only had 3 rooms. it was in pretty bad shape, but i'm sure it was adorable back in the day.

we spent the rest of monday and tuesday hanging out at my uncles apartment. all of my relatives love to do this thing where they corner me and badger me about why i don't have a boyfriend. every single time they see me, it becomes the hot conversational topic. i really don't know why they always act surprised when i tell them i'm single, especially since we go through the same thing a couple of times every week. then, they all start listing off all the single boys they know who they shuold set me up with, and anytime i try to tell them not to worry about, they get angry. i guess they assume that if i'm not dating anyone at this point in my life, i'll never get married. they always get this really relieved look on their faces when they ask about jason, and i tell them that he's already taken. if he was single, all their focus would have been shifted onto him and they most likely would call him up and attempt to set him up with people they knowin america.

but other than that, i had a great cheosuk. i ate more food than i normally do in a week and got to spend some quality time with my cousin's babies. now, i just have to set my mind into getting some homework done before classes begin again tomorrow. which, again, wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't an oven in my room right now.
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10:28 PM

tell them i'm gay. that should shift the attention for a bit. but gay AND taken.    

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